Hi 👋, I'm Vineet
A passionate Healthcare Data Enthusiast
🔭 I’m currently working on Diagnostic Analytics
✨ I believe my most important skill is storytelling
🌱 I’m currently learning LLMs, Gen AI
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on projects in healthcare to improve patient outcomes
🤝 I’m looking for help with teaching my machine learning models to diagnose my tea addiction! ☕🤖
⚡ Fun fact I once built a machine learning model to predict the best ice cream flavors, and kids helped me test it by eating all the samples! 🍦🤖👶
About Me
A Healthcare Data Analyst (Statistical Sherlock!) with a flair for large language models. Right now, I’m diving into the wild world of prior authorization trends and their effects on prescription drug use and costs. Imagine me as a data detective, uncovering the secrets hidden in EHRs and administrative databases.
Previously, I worked magic with chemo-metrics and statistical process control, turning complex data into optimized product quality and efficiency. Armed with Python, Databricks, and Tableau, I create visualizations and models that even my tea-addicted machine learning buddy would applaud. Let’s innovate in healthcare together!
Key Languages and Libraries Used:
Key Data Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques Used:
Category | Techniques |
Data Analysis Techniques |
Machine Learning Techniques |
Deep Learning Techniques |
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Techniques |
Model Evaluation Techniques |